Caratterizzazione Coating


In accordance with ISO EN-1071-2 et VDI 3198

Instrument for rapid measuring thickness of thin hard coatings

Manufacturers and users of hard coatings are often confronted with the problem of the measurement of the thickness of coatings. TRIBOtechnic has created a new and innovative instrument called CALOTESTER fully equipped with all items needed for measuring thickness of coatings, at your finger tips: programmed spherical abrasion controlled by microprocessor; microscope for measurement of abraded coatings and a calculator to supply the results of thickness automatically.

For tests with higher precision of results and a more user-friendly interface, a CALOTESTER equipped with a video camera and measurement software is available. 


- PVD and CVD coatings

- Sputtering, ion plating

- Evaporation in vacuum

- Anodic oxidation

- Galvanized coatings

- Chemical coatings


Pin-on Disc and Oscillating TRIBOtester

In accord with standards: ISO 7148, ASTM G99-95a, ASTM G 133 - 95 

Tests for Research and Development and quality control

In order to increase performance and reliability of mechanic parts, companies and universities study more and more friction properties and wear resistance of coatings and bulk materials. So as to reply to their needs we have developed versatile tribometers, reliable and easy to use.



  bulk material





  Lubricant and oil additives

Scratch Tester Millennium

In accord with Standard EN 1071, ASTM C1624, ASTM G171

Scratch test instrument for adherence characterization and scratch resistance for thin coatings and bulk materials.

The scratch-test method consists of scratching on the surface with a diamond tip on which a constant or a progressive load is applied.

As the scratching is done the sample moves under the video system, to examine different kinds of damage done by the tip.

This standard method allows for comparison of different coatings according to substrates, thickness of coatings and preparations of surface before coating and scratch resistance of bulk materials.


In accordance with the standard VDI 3198


Instrument for adhesion test of PVD and DLC coatings

Manufacturers and users of hard coatings are often confronted with the problem of measuring adhesion of PVD coatings. TRIBOtechnic has created a new and innovative instrument called ADHE-COAT TESTER fully equipped with all items needed for a fast and convenient adhesion testing. This tester is not only easy and fast to use, but also very economical, as it consumes 10 times less of a diamond tip than scratch testers. 

Milli Tribotester Premium

Today's technological advances in polymers, thinfilms and touch screens with low contact pressure, have created new challenges for Tribology. In response to these challenges TRIBOtechnic has created a new and innovative tribometer called the Oscillating MILLI TRIBOtester PREMIUM, for friction measurement in a low contact pressure range.



- Polymers

- Optical coatings

- Paints and varnishes

- Eye glass lenses

- Touch screens

- Lubricants for micro mechanic

- Vacuum coatings

- Thin films

- Metals

- Semiconductors

Milli Scratch Tester

In accordance with Standard JIS 3255

Scratch test instrument for adherence characterization and scratch resistance for thin coatings and bulk materials.

The scratch test method consists of scratching on the surface, with a diamond tip on which a constant or a progressive load is applied.

As the scratching is done, the sample moves under the video system, to examine the different kind of damage done by the tip.

Pictures can be digitized and positioned precisely on the loading graphs.

This standard method allows for comparison of different coatings according to substrates, thickness of coatings and preparations of surface before coating and scratch resistance of bulk materials.


• Polymers

• Thin films

• Metals

• Optical coatings

• Paints and varnishes

• Eye glass lenses

• Touch screens

• Semiconductors

• Hard disc

• Protective coatings

• Decorative coatings

• Vacuum coatings